Please see below information about the launch of the Dudley “Worrying about Money” leaflet and an information event taking place on Tuesday October 12th at 11am, which is for all Dudley frontline workers and volunteers to hear more about the new leaflet and how to use it.
Based on learnings from Scotland′s “A Menu for Change” project, Dudley′s ′Worrying About Money?′ leaflet has been co-designed to help people experiencing financial insecurity, and those supporting them, to easily identify and access appropriate financial support and advice.
By helping people access any existing financial entitlements and advice on income maximisation, the hope is to reduce the need for emergency food aid.
The Dudley ′Worrying About Money?′ leaflet is a step-by-step guide that:
• Starts with the money problem situation/s someone might be facing (Step1)
• Explains the options available that could help (Step 2)
• Includes contact information for local organisations that can directly support people with these options (Step 3)
This launch event is an opportunity for frontline workers and volunteers in Dudley to hear more about the new leaflet and how to use it.
Types of support available will be highlighted, and awareness raised about the services that can help someone facing financial crisis or money worries.
Please register for the event on the link below:
You can view the leaflet below.