Laughter Yoga Sessions in March

Maggie Thompson is a Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher and Laughter Ambassador, and is running Yoga sessions throughout March.

She is endorsed by the Healthy Communities Team at Dudley Council and has provided us with the following message: There is definitely a hint of spring in the air with snowdrops giving way to daffodils and the warmth we enjoyed over the weekend.  However, the saying ′Ne′er cast your clout till may is out′ is certainly appropriate as the chilly weather returned yesterday. 

February was a very busy month for me with on-line Laughter Yoga. I had a record number of attendances: 180!  Along with my regular weekly Club Zoom session, I also ran several business sessions and one series for a research project. 

Here are the details for Laughter Yoga club sessions during March 2021, taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.00 pm for approximately 30-minutes: 

Tuesdays: 2, 9. 16. 23 and 30 March 

Join Zoom Meeting…

Meeting ID: 815 4739 3445 

Passcode: chuckle 

Thursdays: 4, 11, 18 and 25 March 

Join Zoom Meeting…

Meeting ID: 505 614 703 

Passcode: chuckle 

These sessions are free and I am always grateful for donations between £3 and £5 to: . 

I have had some face masks and snoods made with my ′Merrie Maggie′ logo and have added a couple of photos below. 

I have a small supply of them here if anyone would like to have them.  

Please see the blog about them on my website:…/face-masks-snoods-with…/ 

Occasionally I have the opportunity to run a Laughter Yoga session where I am given feedback that makes me feel so grateful that I have been trained in the skills of leading and teaching Laughter Yoga.  The participants felt the benefits to the extent that they passed their findings on to me.  

See the attachment below showing graphs along with some touching comments. 

If you or your organisation would like me to run Laughter Yoga sessions for you, please don′t hesitate to contact me.  

There is a charge and I am always happy to negotiate to meet your budget. 

Maggie Thompson 

Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher and Laughter Ambassador

07565 218567