AGM Awards

The following awards were given out at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, 6th July 2022:

Jim White Good Service Award

Lunch on the Run were awarded this award for all the work they did during the long lockdown, including running a take-away for anyone who wanted it. They provided school lunches for several local schools. In addition they provided hot meals for someone who found themselves homeless for several weeks due to rebuilding their home and was only able to get cold food whilst fighting cancer.

Delroy Levy Volunteer of the Year Award

This year the award was given to two people for their commitment to AID.

Lynn Dugmore for turning out for every event that AID does in Dudley, sorting storage and for keeping the group’s minutes up-to-date after every meeting.

Tina Boothroyd for long service since becoming a founder member 18 years ago.

Chairman’s Award

This year the award was given to Ceri Davies because as a new member she accessed £300 for the Assistance Dog/Fun day to provide free face painting for all children who attended the event plus a donation to Access in Dudley.